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Philadelphia Speeding Accident Attorney

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As an attorney well versed in car accidents, Edith Pearce of The Pearce Law Firm P.C. knows the dynamics of most car accidents: the reasons, the excuses, the mistakes, and particularly the negligence. Some accidents are the result of distraction, an innocent glance in the mirror to check your hair, while other reasons are more sinister; taking a chance driving while drunk or arrogantly ignoring speed limits and putting your foot to the floor for a cheap thrill.

The National Safety Council states that speed is a factor in one third of all accidents. If your life is torn apart by a speeding driver, you need The Pearce Law Firm on your side to receive the compensation you need and deserve. We know how to show that speeding by a driver either caused or contributed to the accident, and thus the speeding driver is liable for your injuries and losses.

Finding Fault In Your Speed Accident

Despite the police report that didn’t cite you for any moving violation, the insurance company representing the speeding driver will still attempt to show that you are in some way responsible for the accident. Don’t take it personally; as the insurance company is in the business of reducing their payouts and minimizing your recovery. To the insurance company, it is a business. For you, your injury and disability is your life. However, you don’t have to worry when we are handling your case. We know insurance company strategies and we know how to apply the law on your behalf.

In an auto accident, assigning fault greatly affects your claim for compensation. We investigate the accident and may even bring in experts to show the speeding driver 100% responsible for the accident. Our attention to details and facts helps us to win arguments regarding liability.

Obtaining Rightful Compensation For Your Philadelphia Car Accident

When we show the speeding driver responsible for the accident we can hold his or her insurance liable for your injuries and losses. We don’t just propose a high number and hope we win, we assemble all of the details and figures of your medical bills, future medical bills, lost income, property loss, and then seek the maximum legal amount for pain and suffering to make sure the amount you receive will take care of your needs today and into the future.

If you have been in an accident caused by the excessive speed of another driver, you owe it to yourself to contact The Pearce Law Firm for a free initial consultation. Pleas allow us to show what we can do for you.

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