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Philadelphia Medical Malpractice Lawyers

Medical Malpractice Victim?

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Whenever the outcome of medical care, treatment or surgery results in additional harm rather than the hoped-for improvement, there may have been some form of negligence or medical malpractice in the care. Medical Malpractice can occur in many different forms including:

What Constitutes Medical Malpractice?

Medical malpractice is defined as errors or omissions below a standard level of care, resulting in personal injury to the patient. Medical malpractice may be the fault of a doctor, a surgeon, a nurse or other health practitioner, the hospital, or some combination of the above. It can be a result of a healthcare professional either doing something incorrect or inappropriate or failing to do something that would constitute reasonable and customary standards of care and practice. In other words, medical malpractice can be an act or acts of commission or omission. For example, surgical errors, emergency room errors, birth injuries, and failure to diagnose properly a disease or condition in a timely manner can be considered medical malpractice.

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Frequently Asked Medical Malpractice Questions

Cancer Misdiagnosis Lawyer

In order to successfully treat cancer, early detection is the key. If cancer is not diagnosed early, the consequences can be tragic from drastic forms of treatment such as higher dosages of radiation to even wrongful death. Some common types of cancer which are often misdiagnosed include breast cancer, colon cancer, and even lung cancer. Examples of improper care in misdiagnosing cancer include: failing to order proper tests, failing to properly read or evaluate tests results, failing to follow up on test results such as referring the patient to a specialist, failing to order more tests, failing to listen to the patient’s complaints, and even failing to identify obvious physical findings during examination, such as a lump during a breast examination.

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Frequently Asked Medical Malpractice Questions

Often a “misdiagnosis” can be the failure to diagnose a disease, or a delay in diagnosing a disease that should have been discovered earlier. With today’s cost-cutting measures of health care insurance companies, doctors often fail to take the time to carefully listen to the complaints of a patient. Often this can lead to failing to order proper tests. Also, a physician may have misread test results or failed to refer a patient to a specialist in a timely manner resulting in malpractice.

Complex Lawsuits

Medical malpractice claims are very complex lawsuits to handle. There are often a number of health professionals involved in a patient’s care and there is the challenge of determining who may actually be at fault. If the medical malpractice involves a hospital and/or a surgical procedure, there is often a chain of command that makes this determination even more difficult. The situation is further complicated by the reluctance of medical professionals to speak out against one another and/or be willing to testify in a case. There are also the challenges of technical and complex medical issues, such as the specifics of the procedures, intricate anatomy, drugs and drug reactions, anesthesia, common practices, etc.

The Compensation You Deserve

When a patient agrees to medical care, surgery, or any procedure that is supposed to improve the patient’s health and — through the negligence or fault of a medical professional — ends up worse off than before, the patient deserves full and fair compensation. This may include payment for medical and hospital bills, loss of income, future corrective surgeries, pain and suffering, trauma and loss to the family and other compensation. Depending on the severity of the injury and its consequences, compensation might also include on-going care needs, loss of enjoyment of life, counseling, ongoing monetary support and other damages to the patient and/or the family.

If you or someone you love has suffered as a result of suspected medical malpractice in Philadelphia or anywhere in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, the Pearce Law Firm will work diligently on your behalf to arrive at a timely settlement or proceed to trial to obtain the compensation you deserve. Call us today for a FREE MEDICAL MALPRACTICE CONSULTATION.

We are dedicated to protecting your rights and obtaining full and fair compensation for you.

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If you or someone you love has suffered as a result of suspected medical malpractice in Philadelphia or anywhere in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, call us today for a FREE MEDICAL MALPRACTICE CONSULTATION. Learn more about necrotizing fasciitis lawsuits.

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