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BEST Delivery Driver Dog Bite Attorney in Philadelphia

Dog Bites on Delivery Drivers (UPS, FedEx, USPS, Amazon Delivery, DoorDash, Grubhub, Uber Eats, DHL, etc)

It’s likely that UPS, FedEx, USPS workers, delivery drivers, and other couriers will come across homes that have dogs on the premises. With about 69 million US households owning dogs, encountering these furry companions can be a common occurrence. Having dogs greet you with wagging tails or excited barks can be a delightful aspect of your job. You may even have some furry friends that you look forward to seeing along your route, especially if you have treats for them.

However, it’s important to be mindful that interactions with dogs can be risky if they become aggressive. Postal workers, in particular, are at a higher risk of being bitten by a dog, with more than 6,700 workers having been bitten in 2016 alone. In fact, dog bites are a common occurrence in the US, with an average of 4.5 million Americans being affected annually.

Considering these statistics, it’s understandable why some couriers may be cautious when approaching houses with dogs. While these interactions can be enjoyable, it’s important to prioritize safety and take precautions when necessary.

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Pennsylvania Delivery Driver Dog Bite Laws

Strict Liability for Medical Expenses

In the context of medical expenses, Pennsylvania is what’s known as a strict liability state. When a dog attacks and bites a person, the dog’s owner or keeper will be required to pay all of the victim’s related medical bills. The owner or keeper isn’t required to pay other damages though like pain and suffering, lost earnings or permanent disfigurement. That’s when the law of negligence is triggered.

Negligence Per Se

When a person is guilty of violating a statute or ordinance, and a victim is injured as a result of that violation, the violator is said to be guilty of negligence per se. Courts and juries routinely determine that a dog owner or keeper has been guilty of negligence per se if that owner violated Pennsylvania’s law that requires dogs to always be restrained. Upon such a finding, damages aren’t limited to only medical bills.

Harboring a Dangerous Dog

In order to be found guilty of harboring a dangerous dog, two requirements must be proved. First, it has to be shown that without provocation, the dog has done one of the following things:

  • It injured somebody on public or private property.
  • It killed or severely injured a domestic animal while off of the owner’s or keeper’s property.
  • The dog attacked a person.
  • The dog was used when the owner or keeper was committing a crime.

Aside from the above, it must be shown that the dog has a history or propensity of attacking people or domestic animals without provocation. A single incident is sufficient under Pennsylvania law.

What Happens if You’re Bitten by a Dog as a Delivery Driver in Pa?

The Pearce Law Firm What Happens If Your Dog Bites The UPS ManMany individuals also inquire about what happens if your dog bites a UPS driver as well, but the following process is typically the same for both UPS and FedEx drivers. In the event of a dog bite or attack on a FedEx, UPS, DHL, or any other parcel delivery employee, there are multiple things that can happen afterward. If the dog bite is not serious, some may choose to go on with their day, even though seeking medical treatment is recommended. However, many delivery employees seek to choose compensation after they have been bitten.

One option is to file a Worker’s Compensation claim, which provides coverage for medical costs and financial losses from missed work (this might not be an option if you’re delivering for Amazon, DoorDash, Grubhub, Uber Eats, Instacart, Postmates, etc – it’s best to consult with a lawyer). In such claims, fault does not need to be proven, and compensation is available regardless of who is responsible.

However, Workers’ Compensation may not cover all costs and losses associated with the dog bite.

Therefore, you may want to turn to personal injury lawsuits against the owner of the dog. This is because, in order for a courier to seek compensation for pain and suffering, PTSD, and other types of trauma associated with the dog bite, the injured mail carrier may need to file a personal injury claim. Unlike Workers’ Compensation claims, personal injury claims require proof of negligence. Compensation in these claims is based on the severity of the harm suffered, and punitive damages may be awarded if the dog owner was grossly negligent. It is important to note that such damages are not typically covered by Workers’ Compensation.

Another serious thing to consider when a dog bites a courier is what will happen to the dog afterward. Many dog owners do not realize that their dogs may be quarantined for an extended period of time, taken away from their owners, or even euthanized due to a dog bite. Therefore, it is essential for dog owners to ensure that they are not only protecting mail carriers but their dogs as well. No one wants to see their dog hurt another person, and they definitely do not want to have their dog taken away or euthanized because of it. That is why it is the responsibility of the dog owner to ensure everyone is safe when mail is being delivered to the home.

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What To Do After Being Bit By A Dog As A Delivery Driver Or Mail Carrier

Being bitten by a dog while trying to deliver parcels is a scary and potentially life-threatening occurrence. The stress, anxiety, confusion, and adrenaline that accompany being bitten by a dog can cause a courier to scramble together information and evidence of the attack. Therefore, we have created a simple process to follow in order to achieve the best chances of receiving compensation.

Seek Medical Attention Immediately

It’s crucial to seek medical attention immediately after being bitten by a dog, especially while on the clock. Even if the bite appears minor, dogs carry germs in their saliva, such as Capnocytophaga. It’s always important to remember that not every dog owner is the same, therefore not every dog is properly vaccinated for diseases, such as rabies. In some cases, a rabies shot will be administered in an effort to err on the side of caution.

It’s also important to keep track of all medical records and receipts associated with the incident. These records can serve as valuable evidence in a lawsuit, demonstrating that the courier sustained injuries and incurred financial losses due to the dog bite.

In addition to medical records, it’s essential to keep any receipts for any expenses related to the incident, such as antibiotics or painkillers from the pharmacy. This documentation can help to establish that the FedEx, Amazon, or any other delivery driver suffered financial damages as a result of the dog bite, and may strengthen the case against the dog’s owner.

Collect Dog Owner’s Information

In the event that a delivery driver suffers a dog bite while delivering mail or other packages, it’s important to obtain the contact information of the dog’s owner. This information may be necessary if the courier decides to pursue a personal injury or worker’s compensation claim, and need to serve them with legal papers.

It’s also essential to have the owner’s contact information for health-related reasons, like confirming vaccinations. If possible, the owner should provide the courier with direct contact information for their veterinarian, who can verify the dog’s medical history with the appropriate paperwork. By obtaining the owner’s contact information and confirming the dog’s health status, the courier can take the necessary steps to ensure their well-being and pursue legal action.

Document All Injuries

To build a strong case for a dog bite injury, it’s important to have evidence of your injuries. One effective way to document your injuries is by taking photos of them, which can be easily done using your phone’s camera. To ensure that your photos are safe and accessible, it’s recommended to back them up, such as by emailing them to yourself or saving them on a cloud storage service.

Taking pictures of your injuries can also be useful for tracking the healing process. For instance, if a bite becomes red and swollen, it could indicate an infection. By documenting the inflammation with photos, you can monitor whether it improves or worsens over time. This information can be important for both medical treatment and legal purposes.

How A Philadelphia Delivery Driver Dog Bite Attorney Near You Can Help - The Pearce Law Firm in PhiladelphiaHow A Philadelphia Delivery Driver Dog Bite Attorney Near You Can Help

If you are a mail carrier or delivery driver who was bitten by a dog on the job in Philadelphia or elsewhere in Pennsylvania, it is essential to seek legal assistance from a nearby experienced dog bite lawyer. Our skilled Philadelphia, PA dog bite attorneys can help you understand your legal rights and pursue the compensation you deserve for your injuries, lost wages, and other damages. Contact us 24/7. With our expertise, they can help you navigate complex legal procedures, gather evidence, negotiate with insurance companies, and fight for your best interests in court if necessary. Don’t hesitate to reach out to our Philadelphia delivery driver dog bite lawyer near you for help today.

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