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Philadelphia Car Accident Lawyer Near Me - Car Accident Attorney Edith Pearce

Philadelphia Disability Discrimination Lawyer Near You

Disabled people are entitled to the exact same rights, protections, and employment opportunities as all other Americans. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which became law in 1990, as well as other complementary laws, prohibit discriminating against or treating disabled individuals differently. Discrimination is prohibited in a number of areas including public access, transportation services, and employment. With regard to employment, the Act prohibits discriminating against a qualified individual who can perform the functions of a job with reasonable accommodation. If you or a loved one feel that you have been discriminated against unjustly due to a disability it’s time to reach out to a qualified disability discrimination lawyer near you.


Discrimination against the disabled in the work environment can take many forms, some subtle and some not so subtle. Examples include: denying an individual a job because of a disability, denying a disabled individual opportunities for advancement, training, promotions, benefits, pay raises, management, etc., and firing an individual because of a disability. Harassment of a disabled individual in the workplace, including exclusion/isolation, name calling, physical barriers and/or lack of reasonable accommodation to allow them to perform their job duties also qualify as a form of discrimination.

If you have been the victim of any of these forms of disability, discrimination or harassment, you should report the problem to your superior, your human resources department, and your union representative (if applicable). You should also speak with an experienced disability discrimination lawyer as soon as possible to preserve your rights, as there are strict time limits for reporting discrimination violations. discrimination claims with the Equal Opportunity Commission and Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission must be filed as soon as six months after the act of discrimination.

Experience & Expertise

If your rights have been violated by an employer or potential employer, Edith Pearce can help. An expert in employment issues and disability discrimination, Ms. Pearce takes an aggressive approach to workplace discrimination of any kind and will work diligently on your behalf to right the wrongs you have suffered and obtain full and fair compensation for you. Employment and disability laws are constantly changing and being reinterpreted by the courts. Up-to-the-minute knowledge of these rapid developments is absolutely critical to your case, as is a swift investigation, early trial posturing and vigorous pursuit.

Disability Discrimination Is Illegal and Wrong

Employers who engage in or allow discrimination against disabled individuals must be stopped; and employees who have been victims of discrimination should be fairly compensated. Edith Pearce is the disability discrimination lawyer to accomplish both outcomes.

The Compensation You Deserve

The Pearce Law Firm will thoroughly investigate your disability discrimination claim and will work diligently to arrive at a timely settlement or proceed to trial to obtain the compensation you deserve.

Call us today for a FREE discrimination CONSULTATION.

We are dedicated to protecting your rights, putting a stop to discrimination against the disabled and obtaining full and fair compensation for you.

(215) 557-8686 :: Contact Us

No Recovery/No Fee/ Contingent Fee Cases Accepted

If you feel you have been discriminated against, harassed, or your rights have been violated by an employer or potential employer in Philadelphia or anywhere in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, contact us today for a FREE CONSULTATION.

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