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Ways to Prevent Accidents at Home

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Your home is your safe space, but did you know that statistically, you’re more likely to be injured in your own home? In fact, when it comes to preventable injury-related deaths, about 72% of them occur in homes. That’s a pretty sobering figure. Implementing 10 ways to prevent accidents at home can help you to minimize the possibility of a preventable injury in your home and also help you identify areas in other homes and businesses that could be dangerous.

10 Tips to Avoid Accidents in Another Person’s Home or Businessways-to-prevent-accidents-at-home

Here’s how to prevent accidents at home. Follow these 10 tips to protect yourself, your family, and any visitors.

    1. Smoke Alarms and Carbon Monoxide Detectors: It’s a good idea to install and check your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors on a regular basis to ensure that they are in working condition at all times. It’s also a good idea to have a fire extinguisher in the kitchen in the case of a fire happening while cooking or using candles.
    2. Spills: Clean up spills immediately. Spilled liquids can result in slippery surfaces, so they should be addressed immediately. Dried spills can lead to sticky conditions that could also result in injuries.
    3. Rugs: Any rugs or carpeting in your home should be secured with non-skid materials. There are pads, carpet tape, or backings available that can be used to ensure that the rug won’t move around under someone’s feet. You also want to make sure that there are no edges that stick up, which could create a tripping hazard.
    4. Staircases: Your staircases should be adequately maintained with secure treads, handrails, runners, and carpeting. Any loose materials on your stairs could result in someone falling up or down the stairs and injuring themselves. In addition, keeping the stairs clear of clutter can also help prevent accidents.
    5. Hot Water: Your water heater should be set at a maximum of 120 degrees Fahrenheit, especially if children or seniors are in the home, as higher water temperature could result in burns. Not only will it help with safety issues, but it can save you money on energy costs.
    6. Storage: You must be safe when storing dangerous chemicals, tools, and other dangerous materials in your home. You’ll want to consider keeping the safety covers on the tools that have them, storing chemicals in their proper containers, and similar actions. For instance, you don’t want to store gasoline or other flammable materials in your garage as the heat can build up and cause the potential for a fire.
    7. Clutter: Keep all of your walkways and doorways clear of objects. They can be a tripping hazard. Also, clutter can be a fire hazard making it hard to escape from your home in case a fire occurs, and you need to get outside fast.
    8. Ladders: Fall injuries can happen when someone uses inappropriate materials to reach something high up. When trying to replace a lightbulb or grab a game on the top shelf, often people will try to stand on a side table, desk chair, or other unsafe option. As these surfaces aren’t intended to hold the weight of an adult, they can break or tip and result in serious injuries. Having a step ladder or ladder on hand can prevent these types of fall injuries and allow you to safely change lightbulbs or get things off a high shelf.
    9. Bathrooms: Your bathroom and bathtub/shower can pose the potential for injuries, especially with tile floors that are great for easy clean-up when water splashes. Keeping the floor dry and in good condition can prevent slips and falls. You can install non-slip treads in the bathtub or shower to help keep the surface from being overly slippery. Also, be sure to clean bathtubs and showers after using bath oils and similar materials that can make an already unsafe surface even more dangerous.
    10. Swimming Pools: Pools can be great fun but also present a potential danger. Fencing off your pool, keeping it covered, and adequately maintaining the area are all things you can do to prevent accidents in and around your pool.

Putting these tips to work for you can make a difference when it comes to the prevention of a home accident.

What If I’m Injured In Someone Else’s Home?

In Pennsylvania, premises liability laws exist to protect individuals from preventable injuries caused by owner negligence. However, suppose you or a loved one has been injured in someone else’s home due to the owner not properly maintaining their property. In that case, you do have the option to file a personal injury claim to recover damages. Speaking with an experienced personal injury attorney near you can advise you on whether or not you have a case.

Do I Need Legal Representation After An Injury?

One of the first worries after an injury is how to pay for the medical bills and other expenses that come from being injured and having to miss work. Combined with the damage occurring in a private residence, you may be unaware of your rights. Speaking with a lawyer familiar with personal injury cases can help determine if negligence was involved on the homeowner’s part and if a claim is feasible. However, not speaking with an attorney can mean you won’t be able to recover all of the damages potentially owed to you.

Implementing these tips can help protect yourself from being accused of negligence in a personal injury lawsuit. In addition, when you know what to look for in your home that can be the potential for an accident, you can work to avoid being injured. However, accidents happen, but when negligence is involved, it may be necessary to seek legal advice.

Contact The Pearce Law Firm

The Pearce Law Firm is here to help. If you are injured due to the negligence of others contact a car accident lawyers in washington township nj or a personal injury lawyers near you at The Pearce Law Firm, Personal Injury and Car Accident Lawyers P.C. to schedule your free consultation to ensure you get the compensation you will need to get your life and freedom back. Our professional staff is here to discuss the circumstances surrounding your injury to determine if you have a personal injury claim utilizing our initial no-cost consultation.

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