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Best Philadelphia Dog Bite Lawyer

Dog Bite Claim in Philadelphia?

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While dogs are usually safe and loving companions, their owners are responsible for both keeping them out of harm’s way and keeping them from harming others. Sometimes a dog owner is negligent in these duties, and sometimes an owner may even actually encourage dangerous behavior in a dog. An unrestrained, dangerous dog can end up on the loose and suddenly attack an adult or child.  A bite or full-fledged attack may result, leaving victims with severe wounds and lifelong trauma.

Injured victims in dog bite cases will need protection during their recovery. They may not know where to turn when they face hospital and surgical bills in the aftermath of a tragic attack. Edith Pearce is the Philadelphia Dog Bite Lawyer near you who supports and represents dog bite victims. She is also a dog lover and the daughter of a veterinarian. She used to work for insurance companies and knows how they like to short-change victims’ settlements in dog bite cases. A local Philadelphia personal injury attorney who specializes in dog bites can help determine who should be held responsible for a dog attack lawsuit and find the best path to compensation in a claim for damages.

Jump To: Dog Bite Case Statistics for Pennsylvania, PA Laws Regarding Dog Bites, The Civil Litigation Process, Determining the Amount of Compensation You’re Entitled To, Dangerous Dogs and At Risk Neighborhoods, Children and Dog Bite Lawsuits, Delivery Drivers & Dog Bites, In-Home Dog Bite Injury Claims, What Makes A Good Dog Bite?, Preventing Dog Bites, Medical Care for Dog Bites, After An Attack, Steps Towards Healing After a Dog Bite or Attack, Dog Bite Law FAQs, Who Pays for a Dog Bite Injury?, Do I need an Attorney for a Dog Bite Injury?

Recent Dog Bite Statistics for Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania ranks in the top ten most every year for dog bite incidents and cases.  The Insurance Information Institute ranked the state 7th worst in the nation based on the 777 dog bite insurance claims reported in 2021. These cases added up to an average compensation of $47,353 paid to each victim. That means a combined $36.8 million in dog bite claims paid by insurance companies in 2021. found that each day an average of 1,000 Americans require emergency care treatment for serious dog bite injuries. Annually, about 14,025 Americans are hospitalized due to dog bite injuries. This leads to a great number of dog attack cases, lawsuits, and dog bite settlements.

Pennsylvania Laws Regarding Dog Bites

Responsible dog owners make sure their pets are restrained properly on walks and are secure at home and in their yards. And PA dog bite laws state that it is the law to provide these securities when you own a dog. It’s your responsibility.

dog bite lawyer near you

Pennsylvania has “strict liability” statutes to cover dog bites. This means that a dog owner can be responsible for an injury even if the pet hasn’t shown aggression in the past. Be aware, if you are wondering ‘how much can I get for a dog bite lawsuit?’ this statute only requires the owner to pay for the medical costs resulting from a dog attack. Emotional anguish and compensation for other hardships aren’t always included in Pennsylvania dog bite cases. 

A dog owner may be forced to pay for more than just medical bills if it can be proved in a dog attack lawsuit that they were negligent in the care of their dog. A victim would have to prove the animal was known to be a danger to humans and even with this knowledge the owner failed to restrain the dog properly.

Criminal Offense

Pennsylvania law has two distinct ways for a bite victim to recover compensation. One is a criminal law that allows for the confinement of any dog that bites someone and for the payment of all medical bills that the victim incurred because of the bite. This section doesn’t allow for other losses like pain and suffering, disfigurement and loss of wages.

This law doesn’t require that the owner of the dog be proven to be negligent, however, if the victim provoked the dog, then the request for medical bills can be denied.

Civil Suit

Another way for a dog bite victim to collect compensation is to sue the dog owner in a civil suit. To do this, the victim has to prove that the owner was in some way negligent and fully or partially caused the attack. To prove negligence, the victim must prove:

  • The dog wasn’t provoked
  • The person was lawfully on the property, or
  • The bite took place in public

The Civil Litigation Process

Litigation can be a lengthy process. Here’s what to expect moving forward:

Filing a Complaint

In order to receive compensation for damages as a result of the attack, you would be required to initiate a personal injury case with the filing of a complaint. The person filing a complaint is the plaintiff, and the person against whom the complaint is filed is the defendant. Your attorney will file the complaint on your behalf, and the complaint will include the following information:

  • The cause of the action, which would be the attack and the injuries suffered as a result;
  • A statement establishing jurisdiction in order for the court to hear the case;
  • A statement regarding the relief that is being sought, such as payment for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering; and
  • A request for the judge to grant the relief.

Once filed, the complaint is then served upon the defendant, often by a sheriff, along with a summons, which informs the person being served that a civil case has been filed against them. The defendant then has 30 days in which to provide an answer to the complaint through their own attorney – or the attorney for the insurance company – in which they admit or deny the charges filed against them.


The period known as discovery in civil cases is when each side submits to questioning and discloses any evidence they have pertaining to the case. The discovery period can be particularly lengthy, lasting as long as 300 days. During this time you may be required to give sworn statements attesting to the circumstances surrounding your injury, as well as provide medical documentation in support of your claims.


The court will assign an arbitrator and schedule a date for an arbitration hearing. The arbitrator is an attorney appointed by the court who will impartially meet with the attorneys and case parties. He or she will hear the issues surrounding the case, and make recommendations on how the case should be settled. Arbitration is not binding, so if you or your attorney don’t agree with the opinion of the arbitrator, a jury trial can be requested.

Jury Trial

Prior to a trial, you will be scheduled to meet with the judge for a settlement conference, a final effort to settle the case before the jury trial is scheduled. Oftentimes, case can be settled at this time. If not, the jury selection process will begin, and a trial will be scheduled.

Determining the Amount of Compensation You’re Entitled To

There are two types of damages you may be entitled to receive for your injuries: economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages involve direct financial losses, such as medical bills and expenses, lost wages, and any form of temporary or permanent disability. Non-economic damages are those things you can’t put an exact price on: loss of enjoyment of life or hobbies as the result of your injuries, as well as pain and suffering, both physical and mental.

In calculating both types of damages, it’s important to be thorough. Physical damages as a result of your injuries may require ongoing physical therapy, pain medicine, and even surgeries such as skin and bone grafts. Emotional damages as the result of dog bites and attacks may be severe enough to warrant visits to therapists, counselors, and the need for anti-depressant and antianxiety medications.

Dangerous Dogs and At Risk Neigborhoods

A dog has all the qualities you might hope to find in a best friend, and they’re known and beloved for their sense of loyalty, as well as for providing both companionship and protection. For many people, their dog is more than just a pet; it’s an extension of their family. While many breeds of dogs are known for having the kind of temperament that makes a good pet, there are some breeds that are considered more dangerous, to the point they actually threaten the peace and comfort of the neighborhoods they live in. Injuries from dog bites can happen anywhere, but some neighborhoods seem to have more than their share of dangerous breeds.

Dangerous Dog Breeds

While even the most docile and gentle dog, given the right circumstances, has the potential to become aggressive and bite, certain breeds of dogs have been statistically shown to be more dangerous and aggressive than others. While many states, including Pennsylvania, don’t allow breedspecific legislation to counter dog bites and attacks – otherwise known as dog profiling – that doesn’t stop insurance companies from doing it. A recent article in Psychology Today outlines 14 dog breeds blacklisted by insurance companies due to the high risk of attack they pose. The list includes the following dog breeds:

  • Great Danes
  • Chow Chows
  • German Shepherds
  • Doberman Pinschers
  • Rottweilers
  • Pit Bulls
  • Mastiffs
  • Malamutes
  • Huskies

Neighborhoods with Dangerous Dogs

Neighborhoods with high crime and drug use rates have long been thought of as hot beds for aggressive dog breeds. People in these neighborhoods often feel compelled to get potentially aggressive guard dogs, such as German shepherds, for protection, and criminals often use breeds such as rottweilers and pit bulls to intimidate others and alert them to law enforcement. At the same time, many people defend breeds considered dangerous on the grounds that aggressive dogs are more a result of nurture than nature. As a result, potentially dangerous breeds can be found in any city or town.

Children and Dog Bite Cases

Dog bite lawyer philadelphia

Children are at the greatest risk of dog bites. They can’t read the emotions of a dog as well as an adult and may not realize they are in danger of a dog attack.  Likewise, a bite that an adult can recover from may prove fatal to a smaller person. compiled some scary data on recent dog attacks on children.

  • Around half of all dog bite victims are children.
  • Most dog bites involving children are seen between the ages of five to nine.
  • 77% of dog bites occur with a dog that is familiar to the victim, either their own or a friend’s dog.
  • 80% of dog bites occur in the victim’s own home. 
  • A 2009 study released at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia showed that 51% of pediatric dog injuries treated at that hospital were from pit bulls.

Dog attacks and your child

One of the most devastating and terrifying sounds any parent can hear is their child crying while a dog is growling and biting. These traumatizing attacks send hundreds of Philadelphia’s children to hospitals each and every year.

Injury claims are often complicated by most injuries occuring at a relative’s home. And, in many cases, the dog may have no history of aggression. Of course, nobody wants to sue their mother because their family canine bit their child. However, at the same time, everyone wants what is best for their child.

What is a severe injury?

Under Pennsylvania’s strict liability dog bite law, “severe injury” is “any physical injury that results in broken bones or disfiguring lacerations requiring multiple sutures or cosmetic surgery.”

According to a study done by the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, most pediatric injuries occur with children ages 2-12, with the peak months being June and July. Infants are most often bitten on the face, while older children are bitten most often on the arms and legs. In Philadelphia, over 50% of recorded dog attacks are by pit bulls, followed up by rottweilers and then other breeds.

Do friendly dogs bite children?

To recover after being attacked or bitten, the victim must prove that the dog inflicted severe injury without provocation.

Sometimes dogs see themselves as superior to small children, especially if they are not used to them. A dog that has never shown an ounce of aggression to an adult can still attack a child they see as inferior for what may be completely reasonable behavior.

Defining “provocation” and “reasonable dog behavior” is complicated and depends on your unique situation. If you find yourself in this position, go over the details with an experienced dog bite lawyer.

Contact a Child Dog Bite Lawyer at Pearce Law Firm

Edith Pearce of The Pearce Law Firm works with child victims and their parents. These delicate cases require special care. The goal for a dog bite lawsuit is to ensure the child gets the best medical attention and that that care is completely paid for. The child’s future physical and emotional health must also be provided for. A child living in fear after an incident for the rest of his or her life is an unacceptable outcome. The cost of psychological counseling and emotional recovery should be included in any dog bite case settlement or award.

Delivery Driver Dog Bites In Pennsylvania

Like all cities in the U.S., Philadelphia has its share of package delivery trucks like FedEx and UPS running in and out of the neighborhoods. These drivers are required to go on the customer’s property and usually up to the front porch or door, and they often run into a dog who feels protective or territorial. Most of the time the dog makes noises and scares the delivery person, but sometimes the dog attacks and causes serious injuries.

What happens if your dog bites a delivery driver?? Pennsylvania law considers a delivery driver to be lawfully on someone’s property to deliver a package, a newspaper of the mail. This usually extends to the portion of the yard necessary to make the delivery. So if a driver is in the back of the yard when a package is usually left on the front porch, then the law might not allow him or her to sue for damages.

Many times, the dog will run out into the street and bite the delivery driver. Since this is a public place, then the driver is allowed to be there and can make a claim for compensation if bitten.

At The Pearce Law Firm, we understand how devastating a dog bite injury can be, and we feel passionate that delivery drivers should be able to do their job without fear of injury from people’s dogs. Edith Pearce is a well-respected attorney who knows the law on dog bites and who is known for working hard to get just compensation for her injured clients.

Premises Liability and Delivery Drivers

Pennsylvania law considered a delivery driver to be lawfully on someone’s property to deliver a package, a newspaper of the mail. This usually extends to the portion of the yard necessary to make the delivery. So if a driver is in the back of the yard when a package is usually left on the front porch, then the law might not allow him or her to sue for damages.

Many times, the dog will run out into the street and bite the delivery driver. Since this is a public place, then the driver is allowed to be there and can make a claim for compensation if bitten.

Damages a Delivery Driver can Get Paid After A Dog Bite

If successful in proving negligence, then the victim can get all damages allowed under the law such as:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost time from work
  • Pain and Suffering
  • Mental Anguish
  • Disfigurement
  • Disability
  • Personal property damage (Clothing, etc.)

Dog Bite Injuries While in a Home

A dog attack can be a traumatic experience for anyone, and sometimes it happens at places we don’t suspect. We might be visiting a family friend or a relative and get bitten by their dog. It might even be a dog that the victim knew and believed to be friendly.

But dogs can get aggressive or territorial and lash out. When this happens at a home where the victim felt safe, it can add to the stress and anxiety that goes with a dog bite. Another difficulty comes when you decide whether to make a claim against the owner of the dog. This person might be your friend or relative, and the last thing you want to do is jeopardize your relationship.

However, a dog bite can cause serious injury and cost the victim and his or her family a considerable amount of time and money. People have insurance for a reason, and most people will want to make things right.

What Makes A Good Dog Bite?

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) estimates that approximately 4.5 million dog bites occur in the United States each year. While some of these bites are minor, it’s estimated that 1 in 5 people who are bitten will have injuries serious enough as to require medical treatment. Children are among the most frequent victims of dog bites, and it is usually from an animal they are familiar with, such as a family pet, or one belonging to a neighbor. What causes otherwise good dogs to bite? According to the AVMA, it could be one of the following factors:

  • Stressful or unfamiliar situations: Dogs may react badly if there are a lot of loud noises or other activity that the dog isn’t used to. They can also react badly to overly friendly strangers or even neighbors they don’t know well.
  • Injuries and illness: An otherwise docile dog may snarl or bite if they are injured or sick, or when recovering from an injury.
  • Scary or threatening situations: Arguing, fighting or other disruptions can often cause a dog to bite, particularly if they interpret a threat to themselves or their owners.
  • Roughhousing: Dogs can nip when wrestling or playing tug-of-war. Be careful of overly aggressive play with your dog, and if you have a puppy, train him not to nip during play.

Preventing Dog Bites

While a dog’s bark might be worse than his bite, it’s better to play it safe. According to the National Humane Society, there are a number of indicators that a dog may be about to bite. These include:

  • The dog’s body is tense and its tail is stiff;
  • The dog’s head and ears are pulled back;
  • The brow is furrowed, and the dog’s eyes are rolled back so that the whites are visible;
  • The dog flicks its tongue or yawns; and/or
  • The dog stares intensely or begins backing away as it looks at you.

In the event a dog actually does attack, you’ll be forced to protect yourself. Take the following actions to defend yourself against a dog bite or attack:

  • If possible, give the dog something else to bite on, such as a jacket sleeve or handbag. When out walking, it’s good to wear a sweater or sweatshirt tied around your waist, for just this purpose.
  • If you have nothing else for the dog to bite, extend your arm. Presenting your arm will prevent the dog from biting onto your thighs and hitting a major artery. In addition, a dog is more likely to be able to knock you down if it bites you on the thigh or leg.
  • If you are bitten, do not try to struggle or pull free. Animals have extremely strong resistance. Trying to pull away will only increase the severity of your injury.
  • If the dog has hold of you with his mouth, its other body parts are vulnerable. You may have to use excessive force: punch the dog in the throat, make a jab to its eyes with your thumbs, or deliver a hard kick to its legs, ribs, or backside.

Medical Care for Dog Bites

All dog bites carry serious risks for infection, due to the amount of bacteria typically found in a dog’s mouth. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends the following steps to treat a dog bite injury:

For minor wounds

Use soap and water to clean the wound. Apply an antibiotic cream or lotion, and cover the wound with a sterile bandage or cloth. If the wound becomes painful, red, or inflamed, or if you suspect the dog that bit you may have been at risk for rabies, contact a physician immediately.

For deep wounds

Stop the bleeding by applying pressure with a clean, dry cloth, and seek medical treatment by your family physician. If the wound continues to bleed, call 911 or go to your nearest hospital emergency room. Either you or your doctor should be sure to take photographs of your wounds in order to document the nature and severity of your injuries.

After An Attack

In the aftermath of a dog bite or attack, it’s important to take the appropriate action in order to protect both yourself, as well as others. Steps to take after a dog bite include the following:

Step 1: Locate

Located the dog. You’ll want to be certain there is no risk of the dog biting someone else, and you’ll also want to make sure the dog doesn’t have rabies.

Step 2: Notify

Notify your local sheriff’s department or animal control office. File a report with information regarding the attack, and make sure you get a copy of the report.

Step 3: Gather

Get the dog owner’s information, such as their name and address. Gather whatever information you can about the dog and how it is cared for. Ask the owners, neighbors, or any witnesses to the attack if the dog has ever bit anyone else and if the dog is usually kept on a leash, or if it is allowed to roam freely.

Step 4: Document

If you haven’t already, take photographs of your injuries, as well as the physical location of where the attack happened. Keep a journal regarding any medical care you received, any contact you had with the dog’s owners, and what ongoing care your physician recommends.

Steps Towards Healing After a Dog Bite or Attack

The physical wounds resulting from a dog attack can take a long time to heal. Often times, victims are left with scars and disabilities that they never recover from. Dealing with the long term ramifications of your injuries is hard enough, but there is also the emotional trauma of having been through a dog attack, and victims often report symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. In dealing with the after effects of your attack, follow these steps to help you heal both physically and emotionally:

  • Be patient with yourself and give yourself time.
  • Realize that recovery might be slow, but you will get back to feeling ‘normal’ again.
  • Don’t berate yourself for how you feel. Accept any feelings of anger or fear as being natural after what you’ve suffered.
  • See your doctor regularly, follow their suggestions, and take medicines exactly as prescribed.
  • Realize you are not the only person who has been through something like this. Look for bite victim support groups, and don’t be afraid to talk about what happened to you with others.

Dog Attack Lawsuit Frequently Asked Questions

Will the dog that bit me be euthanized?

In most cases, no. However, Pennsylvania law does allow the local authorities to take control of a dog to make sure it’s not a danger to others. If it has no history of aggression or violence, then it will be returned to the owner. In some rare cases, if the dog is determined to be a danger to the public, the law allows it to be put down.

Who pays for a dog bite injury lawsuit?

Generally, the owner of the dog bears financial responsibility for any damages done by a dog attack. In some cases, the dog might have been under the control of a dog walker or someone other than the owner, and this person might also bear some responsibility. Their insurance policies will usually cover the damages.

Do I need an attorney for a dog bite injury?

Most people have homeowner’s or renter’s insurance that will pay for dog bite settlement. However, insurance companies depend on expensive top-tiered attorneys to defend their clients. They may try to prove you were to blame for your bite. They want to pay you as little as possible for your pain and suffering. It’s best to have a competent dog bite attorney on your side who knows the state laws and has been successful in handling recent dog bite cases. This will help ensure you get the maximum settlement amount and have someone looking out for you so you can focus on recovery while we focus on your case.  If you’re looking for a Pennsylvania or South Jersey dog bite attorney, contact us today.

Local Help in a Philadelphia Dog Bite Case

Edith A. Pearce Esq. is a Philadelphia dog bite lawyer with proven results. She is an exceptionally intelligent lawyer and is a member of MENSA, the high IQ society. Edith Pearce is not afraid to take on the largest insurance companies and handle the most complex personal injury cases in Philadelphia. Philadelphia dog bite lawyer Edith Pearce is personally involved in every dog bite case the firm handles from start to finish. She genuinely cares about her clients and you will not be treated like just another case or file.

Contact a Philadelphia Dog Bite Lawyer Near You

Philadelphia grants a dog bite victim up to two years after the attack to file a claim for damages against a dog owner.  Edith Pearce does not recommend waiting this long to file a claim. Evidence, like a gap in a fence or a broken chain, can be repaired.  The sooner you file your claim, the easier it will be to document evidence and locate witnesses you’ll need to build your legal argument against the dog’s owner for your dog bite case. An attorney on your side can help you collect these details to build a strong case.

After a traumatic dog attack, contact a highly rated Philadelphia Dog Bite Lawyer to protect you and handle your case as you recover. You are not to blame for your injuries and you shouldn’t have to worry about how to pay for hospital bills as you heal and try to return to a normal life. Let your attorney make sure your future is completely covered.

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