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Philadelphia Car Accident Lawyer Near Me - Car Accident Attorney Edith Pearce

Philadelphia Delivery Truck Accident Lawyer

With online shopping becoming increasingly popular, and an otherwise booming economy, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics states that well over a million people are now employed as delivery truck drivers. Three of the most popular companies that deliver goods are FedEx, UPS, and the United States Postal Service (USPS). Fully loaded, their delivery trucks are allowed to weigh up to 25,000 pounds. At that weight, they can crush a passenger car.

Tragic results can emerge after a collision with a delivery car, truck, or van. The path to seeking compensation can be more complex though as you try to determine who can be held liable in the accident. Is it the driver, the global company they drive for, or both? When you have been the victim in a serious car accident it can have devastating consequences, including life-altering injuries, loss of work or income, enormous hospital bills, not to mention the damage to your vehicle.

If you are searching for a Philadelphia delivery truck accident lawyer near you, contact The Pearce Law Firm at (215) 557-8686 for your free case evaluation.

The Pearce Law Firm Amazon Truck Accident Lawyer Near You

Delivery Traffic Dangers around Philadelphia

Almost all of us have used delivery services to keep our everyday lives on track.  From having fast food and groceries brought to our doorstep to getting office furniture dropped off by Amazon, it’s an industry that will only be growing.

The downside to all that progress is the extra traffic that rolls out onto city streets every morning. Distracted drivers are at alarming levels already but someone on the clock and behind the wheel has even more distractions than a normal motorist.

The Pennsylvania DOT reported that the state saw well over 15,000 distracted driving accidents in a single year.  58 distracted driving incidents led to a fatality.

A delivery driver’s office is behind the wheel and he or she must often work while on the go.  That may force drivers to use a phone to figure out details on their next delivery or pick-up.  They may be distracted by a passenger or be speeding to pick that passenger up in the case of companies like Uber and Lyft rideshare services.  Many of these companies require their drivers to utilize GPS navigation, but even those devices have been known to recommend unsafe moves on the street.

Common Causes of Delivery Truck Accidents

Thousands of packages are delivered to homes and businesses in and around Philadelphia every day. Just about all of them get to those places by delivery trucks of one kind or another. In their efforts to beat the clock, some drivers push themselves and their trucks beyond their limitations. That’s when accidents happen. Here are some common causes of delivery truck accidents:

  • Drowsy or fatigued driving. Long hours of driving and getting in and out of a delivery truck lead to fatigue. That affects a driver’s reaction time and awareness behind the wheel.
  • Distracted driving like talking on a cell phone or texting operates to decrease a driver’s cognitive, visual, and manual driving abilities.
  • Speeding to beat the delivery clock.
  • Improper loading can cause a truck to roll over as a result of a shifting center of gravity.
  • Improper maintenance of tires and brakes.
  • Lack of driver safety training and experience.
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or both.

Are Delivery Companies Liable for Their Drivers?

Most delivery companies have insurance policies that can kick in after an accident involving an employee.  Company insurance doesn’t always apply in every case. The issue of liability is complicated by several factors.

A company like Amazon has its drivers you see in the dark blue vans. They can be covered by up to a one million dollar policy when they’re on company deliveries.  Amazon also employs flex drivers who use their own cars and trucks for when one-day deliveries are needed and during high-volume weeks.  These drivers are required to carry their own insurance. Things get complicated by other third-party companies that help Amazon make its deliveries.

Companies like Uber and Lyft also have up to one million dollars in coverage, but drivers are not always fully protected.  Employees must depend on their own car insurance during certain work “periods.” These periods are signified as different job functions. For instance, period one is when drivers are logged into the rideshare app and waiting to get a ride request.  Other periods are when they’ve accepted a request and are on the way for pick-up and when the passenger is in the car.  Coverage for an accident can depend on what period the driver was in at the time.

As you can see, an attorney with experience in these complex cases can be of great help if you’ve been injured in an accident involving a delivery driver.  Please contact the attorneys at Philadelphia’s Pearce Law Firm for a free consultation on how to best proceed with your case.

Some Philadelphia Delivery Truck Accidents

Just outside of Philadelphia in 2018, a FedEx driver was trapped under his delivery truck when it flipped in Chester County. He was freed and taken to a local hospital, but there was no word on the nature and extent of his injuries. In early March of 2018, a UPS driver was cited in a rollover accident on Interstate Highway 91 when he was attempting to avoid a car that braked in front of him. There was no word on his condition. In September 2017, a 91-year-old female pedestrian was hit by a UPS truck while she was crossing the street on Walnut Street in Philadelphia’s Center City District. She was hospitalized in severe condition.

Investigating the Facts

Determining faults in delivery truck accidents can get complicated quickly. Both state laws and federal regulations apply to these trucks. You’ll need a Philadelphia truck accident lawyer who can perform a full and complete investigation in order to discover and preserve all relevant and material evidence that supports your side of the case. Since the delivery company will have its own investigators analyzing the facts and evidence surrounding the accident, you’ll want your own team to do the same thing as soon as possible. Our investigation will include the following:

We Represent Delivery Driver Accident Victims

lyft accident lawyer Philadelphia

Rush-hour traffic around Philadelphia can rattle anyone’s nerves. Add to that the hundreds of drivers out on delivery each day. These accidents can leave victims facing a long recovery and might leave them confused about who will be taking responsibility for the negligence of the driver. These accidents happen all over Philadelphia.

Here are just a few examples of the types of delivery services we can help you file a claim against:

Seeking Compensation in an Accident

The city of Philadelphia allows a victim to file a claim for up to two years from the date of the accident.

The auto accident attorneys with the Pearce Law Firm don’t recommend waiting until the end of this deadline to file. If you intend to file a claim, the sooner the better. Evidence and documents you’ll need for your case against a delivery company will be easier to collect immediately after an accident.  An attorney can help you with this important decision.

If you do decide to file a claim against a company like FedEx, Uber or PostMates you may be able to get compensation for some of your hardships that you hadn’t considered.

Damages that accident victims are entitled to recover from an at-fault driver and any company they work for many include:

  • Hospital and medical expenses.
  • Past and future lost earnings.
  • Past and future permanent physical disability such as a limp, scars, loss of a limb.
  • Emotional distress, such as depression and anxiety.
  • Damage or destruction of property.
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment of life.

Contact an Experienced Philadelphia Delivery Truck Accident Lawyer Near You

If you are searching for a Philadelphia delivery truck accident lawyer near you, contact The Pearce Law Firm at (215) 557-8686 for your free case evaluation.

The insurer of the delivery truck driver will probably contact you and ask you to give a recorded statement about what happened. Never give any type of statement without a lawyer on your behalf being present. That insurer will only try to use your own words against you to attack your credibility and try to devalue your claim. Instead, contact us right away after being injured in any type of delivery truck accident. Anything that you say to us is confidential. If we enter into a retainer agreement with you, no legal fees are even owed unless we obtain a settlement or verdict for you. Contact us right away for a free consultation and case evaluation after being injured in any motor vehicle accident.

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