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Philadelphia Wrongful Death Lawyer

A Philadelphia Wrongful Death Attorney Protecting Families Near You


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The Pearce Law Firm Philadelphia Wrongful Death LawyerJump to: Wrongful Death Lawsuit in Philadelphia, When To Seek a Philadelphia Wrongful Death Attorney, Understanding Wrongful Death Truck Accidents, Contact Expert and Compassionate Philadelphia Wrongful Death Lawyers, Wrongful Death FAQ

Tragic accidents can have so many devastating consequences. They can rob someone of life and leave a family to deal with the loss of a loved one from their lives. The family will also have to face the prospect of moving on with life without the emotional and financial support from the deceased they had come to rely on. For help with these hardships, a family may have to depend on a wrongful death claim against those responsible for a tragedy.

In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and South Jersey, families can find support and guidance from Edith Pearce and The Pearce Law Firm Personal Injury and Accident Lawyers P.C. A lawsuit and compensation can’t begin to replace a loved one, but a wrongful death claim can help the family continue their lives without the financial burdens left behind after an accident.

A nearby attorney with The Pearce Law Firm Personal Injury and Accident Lawyers P.C. can sit down with the family to determine what’s most important to them. Seeking an award of compensation can protect a family now and in the years to come as spouses and children of victims start to rebuild their lives.

The Pearce Law Firm Wrongful Death Lawsuit in PhiladelphiaWrongful Death Lawsuit in Philadelphia

A “wrongful death” occurs when the act, omission, or misconduct of another (either an individual or company) results in the loss of human life. Circumstances of wrongful death include car accidents and accidents involving other types of vehicles, plane crashes, faulty products, dangerous drugs, faulty machinery or equipment, work-related accidents, construction accidents, medical negligence and malpractice, and a property owner’s negligence.

These are just some of the types of cases The Pearce Law Firm Personal Injury and Accident Lawyers P.C. can help grieving families navigate. Every person or corporation responsible for your tragedy should be held accountable for every heartbreaking step you must take without your family member by your side.

Wrongful Death Compensation – How Much is Your Case Worth?

Wrongful death claims can be brought by the survivors and/or beneficiaries of the deceased. This usually includes children, parents, and spouses. A Philadelphia wrongful death attorney can also represent the family in these cases and make sure every family member is considered in the amount of compensation.

The amount of money a wrongful death claim can earn will vary greatly depending on the circumstances of the accident. The level of negligence the at-fault person or company showed can increase the sum awarded or offered in settlement.

The number of hardships endured by the family and listed in a civil lawsuit can also affect to total compensation your family receives. Compensation might include funeral and burial expenses, medical expenses, loss of income and future income, benefit and future benefits losses, loss of companionship for the spouse and children, mental anguish, suffering from physical and emotional pain, etc. In cases where there are minor children, additional factors may include loss of love, affection, care, guidance, parenting, support, and other services.

If the deceased experienced extreme pain before his or her death, these damages may also be awarded. This is called a “survival action,” since the personal injury action survives the person who suffered the injury. The person entitled to bring the wrongful death action (i.e., spouse, children, personal representative) can bring such an action together with the wrongful death action.

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When To Seek a Philadelphia Wrongful Death Attorney if you Suspect Wrongful Death?

The unexpected death of a family member will be traumatic and devastating. Families are usually overwhelmed with the grief and the hundreds of matters that need attention. Seeking compensation may be the last thing on the family’s mind. However, if your loved one’s death could have been prevented, it may be advisable to talk with a wrongful death attorney as soon as possible to preserve your rights.

The sooner the death is investigated, the better the chances of your being successful in any claim you might want to pursue. Of course, no amount of compensation can make up to you for the loss of your loved one, but a monetary award may be able to help with some of the financial challenges you will be facing as a result of your loss. If you are in the Springfield area and are looking for a Springfield wrongful death lawyer, contact our office today.

Understanding Wrongful Death Truck Accidents

Pennsylvania, like other states, regards wrongful death as a death that happens without motive and is caused by someone or something other than natural causes. In other words, even though wrongful death may be caused by someone else, it is not murder because there is no intent involved.

However, since the death would not have happened without the event that caused it, it is considered wrongful and the negligent party’s responsibility. Some examples of wrongful death involving truck accidents include the following:

  • The impact of the 18-wheeler caused instant death
  • The victim sustained a serious injury as a result of the accident, and his or her death was a direct result of the injury
  • The victim had an unseen or delayed injury as a result of the truck accident and died because of it

Seeking Compensation After Truck Accidents

There are many different reasons why you might seek compensation after a tractor-trailer accident. The cost of medical treatment before your loved one’s death, the funeral expenses, the pain and suffering of you and your family, and even the deceased’s lost income might all be elements that need to be addressed through the litigation process.

The tragedy of a truck accident that involves the death of a loved one is hard enough to deal with without having to also worry about the financial end of things. An experienced Philadelphia truck accident wrongful death lawyer from our firm can help you manage the difficult elements involved and seek compensation to help you recover and maintain your family’s lifestyle.

Contact Expert and Compassionate Philadelphia Wrongful Death Lawyers

If your loved one’s death could have been prevented or was the result of negligence, malpractice, or wrongful conduct, please call The Pearce Law Firm Personal Injury and Accident Lawyers P.C. near you for a free wrongful death consultation.

Edith Pearce is a caring and compassionate Philadelphia wrongful death attorney who can help guide you through the many challenges of this difficult time. She will be a passionate and persuasive advocate for you and your family. Before representing the rights of wronged or injured people, Ms. Pearce spent over ten years working as an attorney for an insurance company and defense firm. She knows how to litigate wrongful death cases to get you full and fair compensation for your losses and suffering.

If there has been a wrongful death in your family, the Philadelphia wrongful death lawyers, at The Pearce Law Firm Personal Injury and Accident Lawyers P.C., will work diligently on your behalf to arrive at a timely settlement or proceed to trial to obtain the compensation you deserve.

If there has been a wrongful death in your family, and you have questions about a wrongful death claim or survival action contact us today for a free wrongful death consultation.

We are dedicated to protecting your rights and obtaining full and fair compensation for you and your family.

No Recovery/No Fee/ Contingent Fee Cases Accepted

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who can sue for a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in Philadelphia?

In Pennsylvania, the law gives those close family members to the deceased the right to sue whomever negligently caused the victim’s death. The parent, child, or spouse of the deceased living with him or her and/or dependant on the deceased all have a right to sue. Each individual makes a claim based on their own losses because of the death of their loved one.

Do I need an attorney for a wrongful death claim?

Pennsylvania law requires that a representative of the family (all those who have a wrongful death claim) files a wrongful death claim. This can be an attorney or the executive of the estate of the deceased. Each person with the right to sue will make their own individual claims for their personal losses, and it will be in the same wrongful death claim.

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How long does it take to settle a wrongful death claim?

Once the process of a wrongful death claim begins, the representative of the family will put together a claim and submit it to the at-fault person or their insurance company. If they can come to an agreement, then the case can settle fairly quickly. However, if it doesn’t then a case will have to be filed with the court, and the process slows down. There is always a chance to settle right up to and even during a trial.

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